Week of June 20 - June 26
DNNHero Review: "Great skin, very modern design. Nice mega menu option. It uses a grid system for the skin structure. The skin is all DIV/CSS based, which is great. It looks very good on a small mobile screen."
DNNHero Review: "Simple but good design. The skin structure is quite good. All DIV/CSS based. Looks very good a a small mobile screen. Good job here!"
DNNHero Review: "This is an awesome design. I have to tell you, these guys are doing a fantastic job. I had someone coming to me today telling me how good the skins from these guys are. The skin structure is grid based, which is great if you want to customize it. It looks great on a small mobile device."
DNNHero Review: "I am a big fan on WebSitesCreative. As the name says, this is a really light design. Very nicely put together. The skin structure is perfect! It look slightly off on my iphone. I will give them some feedback to have this corrected."
DNNHero Review: "This is a nice fresh variation of a product. This is a page template for a landing page. It goes together with the other skins from t-works. Very good idea! It looks great on desktop and small mobile devices."
DNNHero Review: "Great design! Very well-done. The banner is quite nice. The skin structure is perfect. All DIV/CSS based. The experience on a small mobile screen is great too!"
DNNHero Review: "I like this design. Very subtle and delicate. The skin structure is very good. All DIV/CSS based. It looks nice on a small mobile device. Thumbs up!"
DNNHero Review: "Very solid and clean design. I like it. Skin structure all DIV/CSS. Very good. Looks great on a small mobile screen. Just don't like the dropdown menu. Nice color theme selection tool."
DNNHero Review: "I have to classify this as neutral as I don't get the point of this. Actually I think this is badly classified under skins as this is closer to module then a skin. I won't trash what I don't understand but the fact I don't fully get it means that it is not that well explained."
DNNHero Review: "The design is ok, but too blue. The skin structure has a few table. It says it is Responsive, but it's not :("