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Custom Registration with reCAPTCHA - Configure Module and Eliminate "backdoor" Registration - part 4/4

7 min : 58 sec

Learn how to build a custom registration for your DNN site that is completely safe from spammers. We will learn some best practice techniques for adding form validation and module settings in addition to getting some nice UI code for country/region cascading dropdowns and a password strength input. This is part 4 of 4.

Instructions for running the code project:

1. Setup your DNN 7.2+ site with host name

2. Download the zip file.

3. Unzip the project folder (DotNetNuclear.Registration) under the \DesktopModules folder

4. Open Visual Studio 2012/2013 as an Administrator and open the project

5. Build project in Release mode.

6. Install the *_Install package in Host > Extensions

7. Follow the instructions in the video to configure the page and module

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