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2/21/2014 2:31 AM

Is there a way to update a page on my web site today and only have it become active on a future date, say the first of next month?  Can I set something up so that page updates automatically?

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2/21/2014 2:53 AM

Hi Paul,

Yes there is: When creating or after creating a page you can go to the page settings/advanced settings/other settings and you can set the "start date" and "end date" for the page to be live. If not set, the page will be live right away and never go down.



New Post
2/21/2014 3:45 AM

Hi Aderson.... I found where the start date/end date comes in.... So I have one page that is good for the month of February, and I have to change it again for the month of March.  In what order do I do this?  Right now there is no date limit on the page for February, so do I put February's dates in there, and if I do, how do I change March's page and put in March's dates, because near as I can figure out, the dates are attached to the page and not a particular version of the page, so I can't see how I can have one set of dates for one version of the page and another set of dates for another version of the page.  Thanks.


New Post
2/21/2014 4:43 AM

Hi Paul,

Dates are for the page, not for a version of the page. Maybe you want to have a page for Feb and one for Mar.



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