
HomeHomePremiumPremium3rd Party Modul...3rd Party Modul...Options to allow non technical users to create contentOptions to allow non technical users to create content
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2/18/2013 3:45 AM


I'm looking at ways to create modules that allow a non-technical user to create content. I realise there are hundreds of 3rd party modules available, but what I mean is that I as the developer want to create custom forms for data entry with templates for presentation. The user updating the site, therefore doesn't have to worry about formatting which I have found quite tricky in the text editor without knowing html. 

The options I'm aware of for this so far are as follows:

1) Use an HTML module. But I found it very difficult to format the contents without knowing HTML. I'm using the default editor and it seems to get in a mess very easily, is there a better one I can install?

2) Xmod Pro. This product is great for quickly creating forms and templates. But seems to be quite limited in terms of programmability, I would prefer something that's a bit closer to For example, it would be great to be able to code some server side validation. I haven't tried but I suppose this could be done in a Stored Procedure. If using a CLR based stored procedure, this could be done in C#. JQuery could be used to provide some client side validation.

3) DataSpring's Dynamic Views - I haven't use this, but as far as I'm aware you can write code in a stored procedure and return pieces of html, personally I prefer the template approach. Again, JQuery could be used to provide some client side validation.

4) Write a module from scratch. Obviously you'd have complete flexibility but there'd be a lot more work. Are there any 'kits' that allow you to create modules quickly?

It a very basic requirement of a CMS for non technical users to be able to add, edit and delete content. I'm surprised the options are so few, but hopefully I've missed something.

By the way, I'm currently using DNN 6.2, but intend to upgrade to v7.x very soon.

Best Regards,


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2/19/2013 5:51 AM

Hi Steve,

I'm slightly confused as to what ind of module you want to create. On your list you have mixed modules that have very different purposes. 

I can tell you that I use a lot of all that you have listed, but all for different purposes.

1 - The HTML module - It works well as long as the skin design was well done that will not require much work from within the HTML module - As long as styles are well stablished in the skin.

2 - XMod Pro - I use it a lot here on - Great for basic to mid-advanced form creating and listing data - But there is a bit of a learning curve even if you are a developer - although their documentation is very good;

3 - Dynamic Views is for data listing, not so much for data entry - You may want to use the combo of Dynamic Forms + Dynamic Views. One will allow the form flexibility and the other will present the data;

4 - Custom module: This is where I go to whenever I have reached the maximum potential of xMod. xMod does a lot, but there are time that I need more.

Bottom line is this: There will be a better tool for each project requirement + budget combination.

That is my 2 cents, or a bit more :)



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2/19/2013 7:04 AM

Hi Aderson,

Thankyou for your reply.

From your reply:
>> I'm slightly confused as to what ind of module you want to create.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I would just like to create modules that allow users to create great content easily. i.e. Enter data and images via a form and present it neatly formatted on a page. But content that can be structured as required , for example: Title, Summary, Description, Image1, Image2, Multi-column list, etc.   So in other words, I would define the data/images as required and create a template or even multiple templates. The end user simply completes a form to make changes.

The html module gives the most flexibility and isn't really a form as such but I've only mentioned it as it is an option that requires no upfront configuration. XMod Pro and Dynamic Views/Forms are the best thing I've found, though I haven't used Dynamic Views. These are great products but I just wondered if there are any other similar but more powerful options other than creating a DNN module from scratch. I assume from your answer that there isn't.

Best Regards,


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2/19/2013 7:15 AM

Hi Steve,

Now it is clear. My current thought process, and I do this a lot, is that if you need to step out of xMod, then you step into custom module development. I am going through that right now. I have a client where we have started with xMod quite heavily but in some areas/features I just had to go custom development.

I don't really see any option between xMod and custom development in the DNN ecosystem.



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2/19/2013 8:03 AM

Hi Aderson,

OK. That's good to know, just want to check I'm not missing something.

That's a good approach too.



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