
HomeHomePremiumPremiumSkinningSkinningUnable to get newly imported page templates to show up on import page drop downUnable to get newly imported page templates to show up on import page drop down
New Post
11/9/2015 8:10 PM

I purchased the Forward skin at the DNN store. In their user guide, I followed the instructions for using the page templates in DNN. Here is what they have which is pretty simple:


4. Import All Page Templates Like Our Demo

We provide most page templates in "Page Templates" folder. You follow these steps to

add the page template on your site:

1) Install Forward skin at first. Because the default skin for each pages is Forward skin.

2) Login FTP and Upload all demo images to ../Portals/0/. ( You can find the files in

"Page Templates" folder)

3) Upload the template files to ../Portals/0/Templates.

4) Click Pages >> Import on your site, choose one template and create a page or replace

a current page.


I did these instructions but when I click Pages > Import, the only template listed is Default. I’m unable to get any of the templates to show up. 

I'm running off of localhost. I'm using DNN 7.04. 

Any clues as to what may be preventing the templates from being picked up by DNN?

New Post
11/10/2015 4:50 AM
Accepted Answer 

Hi Stefanie,

Try to "sync" the site files and database under Admin/File Management - Sometimes the files are not updated on the database yet and as such they don't show up on the site.

Best regards,


New Post
11/10/2015 9:15 AM

This worked! Thank you!

New Post
11/10/2015 9:37 AM

Very good Stefanie!


HomeHomePremiumPremiumSkinningSkinningUnable to get newly imported page templates to show up on import page drop downUnable to get newly imported page templates to show up on import page drop down

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