
HomeHomePremiumPremiumSkinningSkinningwhat is means by single Installation:what is means by single Installation:
New Post
3/1/2015 1:10 AM

With this statament does that mean l can use it on more than one dnn, and what will happend if u ise if on more than one site 

single Installation: One DNN Site (Installation)
Standard License - 1 DNN installation

New Post
3/2/2015 5:29 AM
You are better to ask that to the vendor as different vendors may have different interpretations of this but I understand that this can be used in one and only one DNN instance. If you try to use it on another one it may not work or at the very least you will be breaking their terms and conditions.
HomeHomePremiumPremiumSkinningSkinningwhat is means by single Installation:what is means by single Installation:

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