
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentMore deevelopment issues, msbuild.targets not foundMore deevelopment issues, msbuild.targets not found
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3/31/2014 3:39 PM

C:\Users\Keith Stone.CREWSTONE\Documents\My Web Sites\DNN720\DesktopModules\WESNet_EPrayer\WESNet.DNN.Modules.EPrayer.csproj : error  : The imported project "C:\DNN5 Development\_buildlibraries\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.  C:\Users\Keith Stone.CREWSTONE\Documents\My Web Sites\DNN720\DesktopModules\WESNet_EPrayer\_buildfiles\BuildConfiguration.targets

Something that should be simple, just opening a project to look at it, is also becoming really annoying. I'm referred to example projects; Simplearticle, EPrayer, etc. I download the source and guess what, VS2013 pukes on opening them with some variant of the error above. I have the MSBuild tasks loaded, use them in templates, etc, but they are really looking like a royal pain in the ass. If using them means your project is corrupted and will only work with one file system what's the point? There's got to be a better way to get around these errors that make it impossible to open the whole project.

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4/1/2014 4:14 AM


I think some of the older templates assumed the path of the MSBuild target and assembly to be in the default installed location.  

I think all you need to do to fix this is open the project file in a text editor, find the element, MSBuildCommunityTasksPath, and fix the path.



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