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1/16/2014 2:25 PM

I have several social media links that need to go in the footer of my site.  The links have an image, URL, and ALT tag.  Right now there are only 3 but that could change.  I would like to put the links into the skin rather than adding a module into a container on the page but I would also like the design team to be able to edit or add links after.  I don't want them to be able to delete the module, just work with the content.

I like the way the DNN Copyright data is handled.  I like that it is somewhat hidden from the average user in the Site Settings area.  All the other things that appear in the footer are managed in the Admin area so it would be nice to make this work in the same way.  Is there any way to work in custom data as described?

One way I see to coming close to this is to use a 2SexyContent module and use the setting to add the module to every page.  For some reason this just doesn't feel totally correct since the data would be accessed and modified on the page through the module settings and not in the admin area. 

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1/17/2014 2:53 AM

Hi Andy,

The way to go here is the 2sexycontent way. It may not feel right to you, but I don't see a way around that if you want to keep the management of that content in the hands of your users.



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