
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentTactical construction for larger modulesTactical construction for larger modules
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12/29/2013 4:33 AM

I've been away from DNN module development for a few versions and need to update some templates I use to create modules. First off I need to bracket the discussion in that I'm working with 15-50 tables, not one or two. After reviewing all the DAL options it still seems like the original DAL, as  opposed to DAL2, is the better option. I can see DAL2 being a preferred option for smaller modules, but for what I'm doing it really seems like a hindrance.

Looking at the new Christoc templates I see in the DAL2 template a "model" which looks like it replaces the "info", with a slightly lighter weight class. I also see a different folder structure that reorganized the placement of the various classes. If there a good reference that documents the recommended folder / class structure for a more complex module?  

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1/10/2014 9:58 AM

This looks to be very similar to the question I posted here:

There doesn't seem to be a formal standard for this but the other thread has some thoughts about the subject that might be helpful.

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