Hi Steve,
>>I got confused a bit, sorry.
Well maybe I didn't explain it very well then :-)
>>What I'm suggesting is just to add or not add files to the install pack.
Yes, that's what I was expecting too. But when I tested, I found that if a file at the top level (
directly in the 'images' directory) was missing or older than the file contained in the installation file it was written to the directory, if not it wasn't replaced.
i want to do is to be able to overwrite all files except for those that I exclude. I haven't been able to achieve that completely. There are two things
i don't like:
1) If older images don't replace newer images (at the top level), then if
i reverted to an old version of a file for some reason, it wouldn't be copied.
2) I now have to remember to specify every type of image file. I suppose I could do an exhaustive list of all possible image files just in case
i use them in the future.
1) and 2) mean there are issues waiting to happen which will waste a lot of time in the future when I've forgotten about all this and the installation isn't working.
So I'm glad you questioned this. I think in hindsight it would be better to find another solution and put everything back as it was.