
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentPerfomance issues displaying DNN edit popup windowPerfomance issues displaying DNN edit popup window
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8/8/2015 1:50 AM

I have a performance issue with edit.ascx in a module I'm developing.

If I display the control in a modal popup window it takes around 15-20 seconds to display, if i display it 'in place' it displays almost instantly.

Has anyone else experienced slow performance when displaying edit.ascx using a popup window?

I use the EditURL function to generate the URL to display the popup, I'm not doing anything special there but please see my code below.

One possible way to overcome the slow performance could be to display the edit.ascx control in it's own aspx page, but I can't figure out how to do that without losing the DNN context. Now I mean just the control in a page, I don't want to display it within the edit theme (skin) page as that will display other controls as well. I've watched Scott's excellent video series (parts 3 to 5) on navigation:
But I still can't see how to achieve this. Can anyone please give me some pointers?

Best Regards,


Code to display popup window

//Add the moduleId as a parameter
string[] Params = new string[] { "mid=" + this.ModuleId.ToString() };                      
lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl(string.Empty, string.Empty, "Edit", Params);";

String generated from EditUrl:                         
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8/8/2015 3:13 PM


I'm not sure why it takes 15 seconds to show the display.  With the same code, mine opens it quickly.  I would open the network tab in Firebug and figure out what is taking so long - maybe it's an image or css conflict?  If you are using a bootstrap skin, you could use bootstraps modal dialog as an alternative to the DNN wrapped jquery ui-dialog.

Just out of curiosity, what version of DNN are you using?

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8/10/2015 1:31 AM

Hi Scott,


Thank you for your reply.


I will give Firebug, a go, thanks for the tip.


I'm using DNN 7.4.0.


Best Regards,



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