I like the ideas presented in the client centric videos, but being a bit "old school" I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use this more a some more complex examples.
First one is read-only; display of events and participants in three different views.
Event -> Registration <- Participant
I'd like to initially present a list of events, you click on an event and you get a list of participants, you click on a participant and get a list of events they are in. I have this working "old school" ASCX at: http://www.twincitytc.org/RaceInformation/Results/tabid/67/Default.aspx
I can't figure out how to get the cross view linkages to work, which in the old days I used events in the list view to plumb up.
Second problem may be DAL2, or my understanding of frameworks. Each of those participants and events has a "type". A participant may be an individual or a team, and I use a lookup table with a relationship to maintain it. In the "old days" I had a dropdownbox that was populated from the lookup table populated from a regular old controller. For the lists I just did a join to look up the display value of the identify key. Petapoco (DAL2) seems to not like joins, and I'm trying to figure out how to populate a dropdownbox in knockout.