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4/9/2013 5:39 AM

I have a client who created a page in their site named login.aspx with a login for another site.  By doing this I guess they overwrote the login.aspx page that allows for DNN admin login.  What can I do to log in and change this back?

New Post
4/9/2013 10:38 AM

Hi Christopher,

If you append /default.aspx?ctl=Login to the and of the sites domain, you should be able to force the default dnn login to come up and then you would be able to login and change things back to normal.

If that doesn't work, you may need a more drastic measure which would be to do it on the database directly. But that is a bit risky and without seeing your situation it would be hard to advice. Is my suggestion above doesn't work, just drop me a private email (aderson at dnnhero dot com) with FTP access to the site and I will give you a hand.



New Post
4/9/2013 11:07 AM

The first option worked.  Thanks a lot.

New Post
4/9/2013 11:16 AM

great news!

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