Hi Aderson,
I have installed the following security fixes (SecurityAnalyzer_08.01.00_Install / Dnn_SecurityHotFix20171_01.00.01_Install) but I'm still seeing the following error in the Security Analyzer
CheckTelerikVulnerability : Check if Telerik component has vulnerability. |
The Telerik component vulnerability has not been patched, please go to http://www.dnnsoftware.com/services/customer-support/success-network/security-fix-june-2017 for detailed information. You also can download a patch from that page or directly from http://dnn.ly/SecurityFix201701 and apply it.
App Setting "Telerik.Web.UI.DialogParametersEncryptionKey" doesn't exist in web.config.
I have the same result on a few websites.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards