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6/22/2017 6:17 AM



Has anyone found a good way to create social media buttons?


I was looking at, which looks great but when I generated the code it requires a link to a javascript file which is 345kb.

I would prefer not to add that to each page if I can help it.


I haven't checked I assume the results would be similar, but need to check.


Best Regards,



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6/23/2017 9:49 AM

Funny you say that Steve, cause I actually use it (addthis) on our site via EasyDNNNews :)

However after running the page through Google Dev Tools I say 2 js files related to addthis both with 110KB in size.



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6/23/2017 10:25 AM

Hi Aderson,


Thank you for your reply.

I took the url of the addthis file referenced in the link you provided, put it in the browser to get the file and then saved it. It comes out at 345kb.
Found the file in Chrome's inspect tool under resources but can't see how to determine the file size there.

Anyway, Addthis seems to be the most popular button facility, looked at Sharethis and addtoany as well.

I am finding it difficult to get decent information, but I've been talking to their support desk who have been very helpful.
I think I have a fair idea now so will try to use it tomorrow.


All the best,


New Post
6/23/2017 11:09 AM

There is a size column Steve.

New Post
6/23/2017 12:02 PM

Hi Aderson,

Thank you for the image.

I can't see a download column, i must be looking in the wrong part of the inspect tool, am looking in the resources section. I need to check how to use Chrome in a better way, though I'm sure I've seen it there in the past.

I'm not sure why you have two copies of the 'addthis_widget.js' file, I thought there was supposed to be just one per site.

I ran the url through pingdom i.e.!/cB7Ka0/

If you do a search for 'addthis' you can see there's quite a few files, that come to about 305kb.


Is it possible somewhere in the DNN UI to put a reference to the addthis js file so that it's inserted just before the closing </body> tag?
So the page can load without waiting for the addthis file.

Best Regards,


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