Hi Aderson,
I have another 'strange' issue when changing the url of a page on a live site. I am trying to rename the page url from:
The message I get is:
"The submitted Page URL is not available. If you wish to accept the suggested alternative, please click Update."
I also get the same message when changing a page from:
I assume this means it thinks the
url is already assigned to another page, but I'm creating the
urls in strict sequence, I haven't created a 'week 7' before.
This wouldn't normally be a big problem, but I'm using the
url to determine the
urls for page next and previous buttons on each page.
I don't have access to the database on the
hosts server, I'm asking them for a backup so that I can check the TabUrls table.
I can't imagine that there are any entries causing this issue in this table, as I mentioned I'm renaming the urls in a strict sequence.
Is there anything else I can check?
Best Regards