Hi Aderson,
I'm sorry if it's not clear, I think this warrants an example.
I've created a page and taken the actual values.
I gave the page the name 'Day 18'. It will sit in the following menu hierarchy in where 'Blog' is a top level menu item:
Blog > The Hike > Week 3 > Day 18
This is the text as displayed in the menu, i.e. the page names.
When I created the page (via page copy), I leave the page
url blank, it is generated from the menu page names as follows:
I then go to page settings again and change the
url to be:
But now I've created an entry in the TabUrls table and therefore the page is redirected, which I'd like to avoid.
If I enter the 'page
url' when creating the page, it's overwritten with the
above hypenated url.
My point is that I can't create a page with the desired URL without having a redirect.
I hope this is clear. If not I can create some screenshots :-) I'm not sure why you're not seeing this behaviour, do your page names have spaces in them?