
HomeHomePublicPublicAdministrationAdministrationUpgrade produces DNN ErrorUpgrade produces DNN Error
New Post
6/4/2015 7:53 AM

Hi Dave,

I don't think there is anything that new on DNN 7.4 - You should be ok to run it with MSSql 2008

See the full list of requirements at :

Best regards,


New Post
6/15/2015 6:57 AM

Hi Aderson

Taken a look at some of the sites that have experienced this error, sadly non-help

So a couple of extra questions

  1. Are there other option to ?mode=none. I'm looking for something like ?mode=step, where the process steps through and you can work out where it crashes
  2. One support site talk about disabling 3rd Party URL rewriters - I have TanLD Urlrewriter. Do I merely move all assigned Portals to Unassinged?








New Post
6/15/2015 7:16 AM

Hi Dave,

1 - I'm not aware of such options. I don't think there are another options like that available;

2 - Usually 3rd Party URL rewriters can be disabled inside the web.config. I would open up the one you have, try to find references about TanLD and replace by looking at the web.config os a fresh DNN install from the same version of your original DNN site.

That would be the strategy we would use.

Best regards,


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